Title: At premiere it was entitled Access. Subsequently entitled Crossfades.
Premiere: July 23, 24, 25 1981, Barn Theater, The Yard, Chilmark, Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard. Subsequently performed at the Riverside Dance Festival, NYC, October 1981.
Performers: 6 dancers
Duration: 15 minutes
Music: Mirabile Mysterium by Jacob Handl and sound effects
Description: I created this work while a choreographer in residence at The Yard, an artist colony for dancers on Martha’s Vineyard. The work featured three male/female couples, and was choreographed closely to the music. At the end of the work, the three couples leapt into the space through the open doors along the upstage of the Barn Theater. Those doors opened onto a green and lush space evoking a kind of paradise. What I did not account for was that when it was performed in the nighttime with stage lighting, it looked like the dancers were jumping into a dark abyss, which had not been my intention. The flyer below gives you a view of the stage with the upstage wall open to a natural setting of trees.